Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Ballet & A Film

On Thursday evening, I had the opportunity to go to a Danish ballet at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen called "Dans2Go." One of the Danish Language and Culture classes purchased group tickets to see the performance, and although I am not in this instructor's particular section, I jumped at the chance when my friend offered me an extra ticket. The ballet was composed of three mini performances, with the first and the last following a story line and the second consisting of a traditional ballet routine. I am by no means an expert when it comes to ballet, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching it and seeing the theater.

Last night, my host family took me to see "The Descendants" at the nearby movie theater. The movie theaters in Denmark sell their tickets online, and purchasers can choose which seats they want to have ahead of time. I've discovered that Danes take their movies pretty seriously, and frequent the theaters quite often so this online system is useful and effective. I was most surprised, however, by the concession stand-- if you thought the concession stands in America had everything, think again. Instead of a stand, there is essentially a concession store where moviegoers can individually choose their snacks.  With such an extensive selection one would think I had a tough time deciding, but I actually made my decision quite quickly as my host sister recommended to me a Danish treat called "Penguin Sticks-- flavored, filled chewy licorice sticks.  Very Danish and very good!   

The Royal Theater

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